Is breathing smoky air really bad for you?
Unhealthy air can make anyone feel sick.
Healthy people who are exposed to smoky air for a few days to a few weeks are unlikely to experience long-term health impacts.
For some people, exposure to unhealthy air that lasts hours to days can have serious health effects, including those with cardiovascular or respiratory conditions such as asthma, lung or heart disease, young children, pregnant women and older adults.
Is it safe to eat food that's been exposed to smoky air?
The health concern about smoke is the tiny particles it contains, which can be inhaled into the lungs. These particles can settle on the surface of food but are unlikely to penetrate it. So, food such as produce would be safe to eat if washed thoroughly. Liquids and food that cannot be washed with clean water should be discarded.
Will smoky air hurt my pets?
Exposure to smoky air can affect animals the same way it affects people. Consider keeping your dogs and cats inside during days with poor air quality. (It's OK to let the dog out to do its business, but probably not for a long walk.)
Should my school/work/business/building close due to poor air quality?
CCHS can provide health advice, but the decision to close or take other protective measures belongs to those in charge of the space.
What mask should I wear if I must go out?
CCH only recommends using a mask as a last resort. Stay inside if possible. If you choose to mask, only NIOSH-certified N-95 or N-100 masks provide protection. They will have "NIOSH" and "N-95" or "N-100" printed on them.
Are masks safe for people with heart or lung conditions?
People with chronic respiratory, cardiac or other medical conditions that can make breathing difficult should consult their healthcare provider before using a mask.
Will any masks fit my child?
N-95 and N-100 masks are not currently made in child sizes.
Do other masks besides N-95 or N-100 masks offer any protection?
For wildfire smoke, they really do not. N-95 and N-100 masks form a tight seal around the mouth and nose and filter out the tiny particles in smoke that irritate our airways and lungs. Other masks do not do that.
What kind of filters do I need for my home furnace to keep the air clean?
Install high-efficiency air filters (MERV 13 or higher) for your home's central air conditioning.
What do I do if my home doesn't have air conditioning, or if the doors or windows don't keep out the smoke?
Consider visiting an enclosed public space with recirculated air, such as a shopping mall or library.
What should people experiencing homelessness do?
Call 211 to connect with a CORE outreach team. Contra Costa County has shelters, CARE centers and warming centers where people experiencing homelessness can get out of the bad air.